Blogging it (or how to be a book blogger)

I’m on the hunt for a cuter blog. There’s nothing wrong with WordPress and I can still keep them as my host, but little did I know there were so many options out there! As I do my research, I see that there is a lot I still need to learn about creating, running and owning a blog. Wow, is there a lot! But, for now, I’m all about the appearance. I want it to be pleasing to both the readers and myself. I want my reviews to stand out and not seem like there’s just an endless stream of information. As a Librarian, I learned along the way that when you want to create or change something in your library, you generally research like-minded institutions: other libraries. My main sources of information are other book blogs to see how they’re created, how they stand out and get the readers. And guess what? I found a few that have tutorials or guides on how to create a book blog just for you – unique and appealing.

Here are some of my faves:

The Newbie’s Guide to Book Blogging, by BookNerd – great information mapped out in nine different parts. I’ve been reading through each part as they become relevant to me, keep coming back to different parts…a must-have resource if you’re new to the blogging scene with a focus specifically for book bloggers. BOOKMARK!

Blogging Tips, by the Mile Long Bookshelf – I like how the information presented here is slightly less about the design, and more on the blogging. That’s helpful to me. I’m not getting contradictory advice from different places, it’s relatable. There are helpful tips on avoiding scammers (like I would know otherwise?!?) and general blog tips. BOOKMARK!

My Favourite Things about Blogging, by Jenny in Neverland – a current narrative on how to enjoy blogging. Actually, this blogger published her post today and I discovered it while reading an earlier post on the same topic (book blogging tips). I wanted to make sure I included tips from bloggers who are still blogging. Great, useful tips with feedback from social media followers. BOOKMARK!

But, don’t let that stop you from sharing your tips with me. Are you a blogger, book blogger or a reader of blogs in general? What do you think makes a good blog? Be sure to comment below as I like to read feedback from my readers.

4 thoughts on “Blogging it (or how to be a book blogger)

  1. Briana

    Great questions! I think content is the biggest key to a successful blog. Basically, is the blogger writing posts I find interesting and thoughtful? That’s subjective, of course, but, for me, I really like to see detailed book reviews, not just gushing.

    Presentation is also important, although I think mostly in terms of readability and looking generally professional. If content is organized in a legible font, and there aren’t crazy things flashing everywhere, I’m usually ok with a blog’s layout.


    1. charargaez Post author

      Thanks Briana for your reply 🙂 I admit to being slightly guilty about liking “a little bit” of everything I read. I hope to hone a more “critical” eye (but not too much as to take away from enjoying a book). I’ll just put my “Librarian” hat on. As for the appearance of the blog – I’m sure it’ll stay this way for a while as I need to focus on reading and writing reviews. As long as people can still read the content on this all white background and until I really know what I’m doing here 😛 I appreciate your insight!



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